La Sassa faunal remains

The Copper Age layers [caption id="attachment_808" align="alignleft" width="300"] Copper Age faunal remains[/caption] The Copper Age layers of Grotta La Sassa have yielded around 1000 zooarchaeological remains. Only 288 could be attributed to species/taxon, with slightly less than half the identified specimens belonging to dog/wolf. This evidence shows that the stratigraphy…

La Sassa human bones

  Campaigns 2014 and 2015 Few human bones have been collected in 2014 and in 2015. Bones from rooms 3 and 4 have been collected on the surface. Bones from room 2 have been collected in a small shallow depression, probably dug by animals. Room 2 - twelve fragments of parietal…

La Sassa project

The project Four excavation campaigns at La Sassa cave by the University of Groningen and Roma Tor Vergata took place starting from 2016. A fifth campaign is planned for the summer of 2020. In the cave, a Copper Age burial place has been found in Room 2. A large amount of…

La Sassa potsherds

The 2015 campaign   In 2015, some potsherds were collected inside the cave, on the surface. The potsherd n. 1 has been found in room 1; all the others come from rooms 3 and 4. The inclination of the bowl n. 1 is uncertain since the presence of the handle…

La Sassa cave

The cave after the 2016 campaign. The test pits are showed. The discovery In February 2014, mr. Gianni Carroccia led a team of speleologists at the entrance of the La Sassa cave. The cave is located few meters from the La Sassa stream, in the municipality of Sonnino. The explorations were carried…