Caprolace project

The excavation [caption id="attachment_844" align="alignleft" width="200"] The sounding F during the excavation[/caption] The two islands of Caprolace lagoon had been archaeologically known since 2007 (Alessandri 2007). The ceramic was collected in the water, around the northern island and dated to the Bronze Age (from Middle to Recent phases, around 1700-1200).…

Caprolace salt production

The salt evidence During the excavations, salt-production evidence was found in two soundings (F and G) and in many different places around the northern island, in the shallow water. In sounding F, many so-called pedestals were unearthed inside a domestic context belonging to Middle Bronze Age (sub-phases 1/2). [caption id="attachment_855" align="alignleft" width="300"]…

La Sassa faunal remains

The Copper Age layers [caption id="attachment_808" align="alignleft" width="300"] Copper Age faunal remains[/caption] The Copper Age layers of Grotta La Sassa have yielded around 1000 zooarchaeological remains. Only 288 could be attributed to species/taxon, with slightly less than half the identified specimens belonging to dog/wolf. This evidence shows that the stratigraphy…


Agro Pontino Frasso [caption id="attachment_629" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Frasso site[/caption] Frasso is a site in the Agro Pontino. A thin tephra layer embedded in peat has been found at 1.10m depth, . Samples for pollen analysis have been taken in June 2016 and will be processed soon. Samples for macrofossil…


[caption id="attachment_625" align="alignleft" width="225"] The ash layers in the test pit[/caption] The macrobotanical research involves the analysis of larger botanical remains, such as seeds, fruits, leaves, roots and wood. Macrofossils are generally best preserved in wet circumstances. Samples are taken from clean sections and processed in the lab. Therefore a…


[caption id="attachment_620" align="alignleft" width="300"] The laboratory[/caption] Ideally pollen diagrams are derived from samples taken from peat or lake sediments. The formation of peat and lake sediments is well known. Both peat and lake sediments are formed by accumulation processes. Peat is formed by the accumulation of partially decayed vegetation matter.…

La Sassa human bones

  Campaigns 2014 and 2015 Few human bones have been collected in 2014 and in 2015. Bones from rooms 3 and 4 have been collected on the surface. Bones from room 2 have been collected in a small shallow depression, probably dug by animals. Room 2 - twelve fragments of parietal…

La Sassa project

The project Four excavation campaigns at La Sassa cave by the University of Groningen and Roma Tor Vergata took place starting from 2016. A fifth campaign is planned for the summer of 2020. In the cave, a Copper Age burial place has been found in Room 2. A large amount of…
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