

Last update on 25/5/2016

The Abstract book can be downloaded from here.

Sunday 5 June

Arrivals: a shuttle bus will be operating between Naples airport, the central railway station, and the hotel Marad.

A half-day excursion to locations around Vesuvius and the Observatory will depart at 13:30 from hotel Marad.

13:30 departure from the hotel Marad
14:00 -14:30 presentation and discussion of the eruption sequence at an outcrop of the Pomici di Avellino sequence in the Nola-Palma Campania area (there is an easy 50m walk from the car park)
14:30-14:45 refreshment break, transport from the outcrop to the Nola Museum
14:45-15:30 visit of the Nola Museum
15:30-16:15 transport Nola-Vesuvius
16.15-17:00 general view of Somma-Vesuvius: stop at the Piano delle Ginestre-Mt. Somma caldera
17-18:30 visit to the Vesuvius crater (2-3 people can climb with a car)
19:00 arrival at the hotel Marad


Monday 6 June
Scientific program sessions 1-3

Introduction: Peter A. J. Attema & Martijn van Leusen – Outline of the Avellino Event Project

Session 1: EBA/MBA Archaeology of Campania and Lazio: status quo and implications of an early date for the Avellino eruption. Speakers: Claude Albore Livadie on the status quo of archaeological research in Campania, Luca Alessandri on the status quo of archaeological research in Lazio. Discussant: Alessandro Vanzetti.

Session 2: Geological Impacts of the Avellino eruption and other major Mediterranean eruptions. Speakers: Giovanni Zanchetta on major eruptions in the mediterranean and their characteristics, Jan Sevink & Wouter van Gorp on the volcanic record of the Agro Pontino and other distal terrestrial areas, Mauro A. Di Vito and colleagues on slope stability, Hendrik Bruins on the Thera Bronze Age Eruption. Discussants: Jan Driessen and Felix Riede.

Session 3: Paleo-ecological Impacts of the Avellino Eruption. Speakers: Federico di Rita and colleagues  on a recent core from the Bay of Gaeta, Richard Payne on Palaeoecological evidence for the impacts of volcanic eruptions, Michael H. Field & Marieke Doorenbosch on the status quo of palaeoecological research in south Lazio. Discussants: Laura Sadori and Corrie C. Bakels.


Tuesday 7 June
Scientific program sessions 4-6

Session 4: Impacts of the Avellino Eruption on Health, Food Economy and Infrastructure. Speakers: John Grattan on the status quo of research into human health impacts, Robin Torrence on the status quo of studies into impacts on the food economy, Alessandro Vanzetti, Amodio Marzocchella and Fabio Saccoccio on the impact of the AV eruption on the agricultural systems of Campania. Discussant: Marco Pacciarelli.

Session 5: Human Responses to Major Volcanic Eruptions. Speakers: Russel Blong, Robin Torrence and Felix Riede on the status quo of research into responses of pre-industrial societies to volcanic disasters. Discussant: John Grattan.

Session 6: Closing plenary discussion – SWOT analysis of the Avellino Event Project. What are the strengths and weaknesses in the current project plan? What opportunities and threats do we foresee? Chair: Jan Driessen.

The scientific program ends circa 18h. Minivan transport to the airport or central railway station is available on request.


Wednesday 8 June

Departures: shuttle bus transport to the airport or central railway station is available on request.




Last update on 25/5/2016 The Abstract book can be downloaded from here. Sunday 5 June Arrivals: a shuttle bus will be operating between Naples ...
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The list of participants, alphabetical order ...
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Scientific meeting: distal impacts of major volcanic eruptions on pre-industrial societies in the Mediterranean

The Avellino Event Project studies the geoarchaeological evidence for a northward migration brought about by the Early Bronze Age ‘Avellino’ ...
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