Proprietà Ricci (Sezze)

Proprietà Ricci (Sezze)

Chronology: MBA 1/2
UTM WGS84 33N: 336359E 4592118N


Potsherds from Proprietà Ricci, after Bakels et alii 2013
Potsherds from Proprietà Ricci, after Bakels et alii 2015

In the 2010s, some pollen samples have been taken in Proprietà Ricci, during the excavation of a very large and deep temporary pit, dug for the construction of an irrigation water reservoir. In the section of the pit, a peats deposit was found at a depth of 203cm, till 286cm. The Avellino ash layer was detected at a depth of 211cm. Below, two radiocarbon dates have been obtained: from an Alnus seed and catkin 3600 ± 45 BP (GrA-56630, 2131-1780 calBC, 95,4%, IntCal13, OxCal 4.2) at 218cm, and from Schoenoplectus seeds 3885 ± 35 BP (GrA-56801, 2471-2214 calBC, 95,4%, IntCal13, OxCal 4.2). Below the ash layer, two undiagnostic impasto fragments and one human bone were collected too. An entire impasto cup was found in the heap soil resulting from the excavation of a gully detected in the top of the peat.  Wood fragments from inside the vessel give a radiocarbon date of 1882-1681 calBC (GrA-51750). Moreover, two small test pit were dug in the nearby. In the first one, no archaeological features have been found. In the second, some impasto undiagnostic potsherds have been found but the AV ash layer was not detected. In both test pits, tree branches were found (Bakels et al. 2015).


Bakels, C., J. Sevink, W. Kuijper & H. Kamermans, 2015. The Agro Pontino region, refuge after the Early Bronze Age Avellino eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Italy?, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45, 55–68

Featured image from Feiken 2014

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