Caterattino (Sabaudia)

Caterattino (Sabaudia)

Chronology: BM 1 or 2
UTM WGS84 33N: 333194E 4574692N

In the 1930s, during the excavation of the ditch between the lakes of Caterattino and Caprolace, two vessels were found 550cm deep (Blanc & Segre 1953, here n. 1 and 2). Three more vessels are in the stores of the former Soprintendenza Archeologica del Lazio (now Soprintendenza Archeologia del Lazio e dell’Etruria meridionale), from which we only know that they have been collected in “Pantani di Sabaudia” in the same years (n. 3-5). A. Guidi hypothesizes that they also come from Caterattino (Guidi 1981). However, the exact location is not known (Belardelli & Pascucci 1996 site n. 22). All the potsherds have already been dated to MBA sub-phases 1 or 2 (Damiani 1995, 408).

Caterattino, potsherds collected between the lakes of Caterattino and Caprolace (1-2) and stored in the Soprintendenza (3-5) (after Guidi 1981)
Caterattino, potsherds collected between the lakes of Caterattino and Caprolace (1-2) and stored in the Soprintendenza (3-5) (after Guidi 1981)


Belardelli, C. & P. Pascucci, 1996. Repertorio dei siti protostorici del Lazio. Province di Rieti e di Latina. Roma
Blanc, C.A. & A. Segre, 1953. Excursion au mont Circé, in IV Congrés International, Guide INQUA (International Union for Quaternary)
Damiani, I., 1995. La facies protoappenninica, in Aspetti culturali della media età del Bronzo in Italia centro-meriidonale, a c. di D. Cocchi Genick, 398–428
Guidi, A., 1981. Nuovi rinvenimenti in siti del passaggio alla media età del Bronzo, Archeologia Laziale IV, 47–55

Feature image from Guidi 1995

The southern island

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The excavation

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Underwater collections

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Faunal remains from SU 9: a: ox incisor; b: fragment of dog mandible; c: sheep/goat phalanx; d: deer phalanx; e: pig metapodial

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The project
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La Sassa potsherds

The 2015 campaign


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