Caprolace (Sabaudia)

Caprolace (Sabaudia)

Chronology: BM1 to RBA
UTM WGS84 33N: 329613E 4580255N 

Some impasto potsherds had been collected by A. Liboni (former director of the Antiquarium di Nettuno) around the western banks of the two small islands in the Caprolace lake, in the water. In 2006 (24th of March), during a site visit (with C. Anastasia, R. Tozzi and S. Zerunian), Alessandri collected other impasto fragments, as well in the water. The potsherds were mixed with abundant roman sherds and they have been found concentrated along the eastern side of the biggest northern island. A small amount of sherds have been found around the southern smaller island too. Both islands were covered by dense vegetation, thus no survey has been made on their surface. The small miniaturized vessels have been collected by Alessandri in the water between the two islands, few centimetres from the shore of the northern one. Their presence, together with the very small space available on the islands and the characteristic location, could possibly indicate a cultic function.

Caprolace, potsherds collected by Liboni and Alessandri around the two islands in the Caprolace lake (after Alessandri 2007)
Caprolace, potsherds collected by A. Liboni and L. Alessandri around the two islands in the Caprolace lake (after Alessandri 2007)


Alessandri, L., 2007. L’occupazione costiera protostorica del Lazio centromeridionale. Oxford: BAR International Series, 1592

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The southern island

Caprolace project

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Underwater collections

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