Chronology: MBA 1 to 2
UTM WGS84 33N: 353136E 4598101N
The surface scattering of impasto potsherds near the modern town of Borgo Ermada, together with a bronze axe, has been found in the 1980s, during the surveys carried out in the Agro Pontino Survey Project (Guidi 1989 as Borgo Podgora; Koot 1991; Voorrips et al. 1991). At that time, the landowner reported to have ploughed the field to a depth of maximum one meter. Afterwards, in 1986, the adjacent field was surveyed by the archaeologists of the Centro Regionale Documentazione Beni Culturali e Ambientali del Lazio (CRD), who collected other sherds. The latter have been already dated to the MBA 1/2 (Pascucci 1996). The potsherds collected in the 1990s have been published later (Holstrom et al. 2004) and they can be dated to the same period as well. The axe has been dated to MBA 1/2 (Alessandri 2007).

Potsherds collected during the APSP survey (after Holstrom et al. 2004)

Alessandri, L., 2007. L’occupazione costiera protostorica del Lazio centromeridionale. Oxford: BAR International Series, 1592
Guidi, A., 1989. L’età dei metalli nella Valle Pontina, in Incontro con l’Archeologia, 25–29
Holstrom, S., A. Voorrips & H. Kamermans, 2004. The Agro Pontino Archaeological Survey. Leiden
Koot, C.W., 1991. The analysis of the ceramics of the Agro Pontino survey, in The Agro Pontino Survey Project, a c. di A. Voorrips, S.H. Loving & H. Kamermans. Amsterdam, 113–30
Pascucci, P., 1996. Borgo Ermada, in Repertorio dei siti protostorici del Lazio - provincie di Rieti e Latina, a c. di C. Belardelli & P. Pascucci, 68–69
Voorrips, A., S.H. Loving & H. Kamermans (eds), 1991. The Agro Pontino Survey Project. Amsterdam
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